stick up for, stand their ground [Learn Amazing Phrases] The War with Grandpa
영어표현 – stick up for, stand their ground
take your word for it, work a treat [영어표현] Dirty Bertie Fleas!
안녕하세요. 오늘은 Dirty Bertie 시리즈의 Fleas! 에서 take your word for it 와 work a treat 두가지 표현을 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. take your word for it… 더 보기 »take your word for it, work a treat [영어표현] Dirty Bertie Fleas!
up one’s sleeve, fly into a rage [Amazing Useful Phrases] 영어표현 – Jason and the …
영어표현 up one’s sleeve, fly into a rage